Cost Effectiveness of Chiropractic
The cost of care can often factor our decisions about our healthcare. Sometimes people will suffer in pain because the are worried that they just can’t afford the care they need.
The cost of care can often factor our decisions about our healthcare. Sometimes people will suffer in pain because the are worried that they just can’t afford the care they need.
As we age our risk of having a fall increases. Falls are the leading cause of injury related hospital admissions and deaths in older people – and it’s becoming a major problem.
Chiropractic care can be great for older adults. Research is showing us that it can really make a difference to your health, function and quality of life as you age.
Did you know that people who have bad posture usually end up with neck pain or headaches and people with neck pain often have additional breathing problems associated with it.
If you’re stressed out and/or you are not looking after yourself, a healthier lifestyle and getting your spine checked by a chiropractor can help you function at your best.
Millimetres in golf can be the difference between winning and losing. That’s one reason professional golfers will do everything they can to help them search for the perfect swing.
Did you know that the the way your spine works influences the function of your jaw? A research team look at what happens to jaw strength immediately following an adjustment.
Doctors and scientists are constantly looking for new approaches to help stroke survivors and one possible intervention that might help stroke patients is chiropractic care.
How you react to a situation can be really important in many ways from helping to prevent accidents through to reaching your optimal potential on the sporting field.
Did you know that a survey of 34,000 people found that many who receive chiropractic care said that it helps improve their sleep and reduce stress.